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View Checklist Template Logs

In this topic, we'll show you how to view Checklist Templates logs.  

Company Checklist Templates

  1. Click on the profile image located on the top right corner of the Builderbox screen.

  2. Click on Settings.

  3. Click on Company Templates, listed on the left navigation under Settings menu.

  4. Click on the Select Company drop-down and select a Company.


  5. Click on any Company Template.


  6. Click on the Template Log button.

  7. A pop-up window will be opened with the Checklist Template log information. Click on the Close button.

Project Checklist Templates

  1. Click on the Auditor module from the left navigation.

  2. Click on Templates.

  3. Click on any Checklist Template.

  4. Click on the Template Log button.

  5. A pop-up window will be opened with the Checklist Template log information. Click on the Close button.

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