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Transmittals Module Customization

In this topic, we'll show you how to customize the Transmittals module for your project.

  1. Click on the profile image located on the top right corner of the Builderbox screen.

  2. Click on Settings.

  3. Click on Modules, listed on the Settings menu.

  4. Click on Select Project drop down and select a Project.

  5. Click on the Gear (Settings) icon located next to the Transmittals It is listed under Builderbox Documents.

  6. You can customize the fields included in the Transmittal forms from here. For example, let’s customize the Category field.

  7. Click on the Category link.

  8. Enter a name for the Category.


  9. Click on the Save button.

  10. A new Category will be added to the Transmittal module and it will be available in the Category drop down list in the Transmittal. You can add any number of Transmittal Categories to the list.

  11. Once added, you can easily update the Category and set it as default Category for every new Transmittal added to the project.

  12. You can also choose to show or hide a particular field on the Transmittal form. To hide a field from all new Transmittal forms click on the Show/Hide slider located next to Show Category.

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